Common Sense Investing With Stock Screeners

Common Sense Investing With James Pattersenn Jr
In Common Sense Investing With Stock Screeners, investor and author James Pattersenn draws on thousands of hours of stock investing research, and decades of stock trading experience to teach you about stock screeners and how to effectively use them to pick stocks like the pros. In this investment guide, you will learn to screen for and pick top stocks using time-tested trading and investing strategies that work and will work for you!

In This Exciting Investment Guide, You Will Discover:
• What stock screeners are, and how they work
• The best free online stock screeners available today
• What criteria the investment gurus look for in potential stock candidates
• Free powerful online tools to help you become a better investor or trader
• How to use proven screening strategies to find the next great stock
• How to build your own custom stock screens
• Easy-to-follow investment strategies of the pros
• Eight predefined stock screens based on the strategies of famous gurus
• Bonus information to help you to become a better investor or trader
• And more! $0.99 on Kindle.

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Price: 0.99
Author: James Pattersenn Jr.
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