Free: The Hangry Caterpillar: A Parody for People Who Hate Diets

The Hangry Caterpillar A Parody for People Who Hate Diets
For anyone who HATES dieting comes a parody of the children’s classic, The Very Hungry Caterpillar, called The Very HANGRY Caterpillar.

A little caterpillar shows what happens when you go on a fad diet for five days straight! The caterpillar isn’t just hungry, she is downright hangry–that combination of hungry and angry that makes you snappy and a not-so-pleasant version of yourself. Dr. Albers offers 7 day free access to her mindful eating program and Hanger Management Program, the antidote to dieting.

The Very Hangry Caterpillar is great for dietitians, health coaches, therapists, health care professionals who adhere to a mindful eating, intuitive eating, nondiet approaches and want to communicate this to their clients in a fun, appealing way. Free on Kindle.

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Author: Susan Albers
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