The Superstar Puppy : The Complete Handbook on How to Raise and Train the Perfect Dog

Superstar Puppy Complete Nicholas Lee
Are you considering bringing a little fluffy ball of joy into your family?
Maybe you have long considered the idea of getting a puppy and welcoming them into your home, but you want to make sure you have all the information you need to offer that puppy a good life?

Perhaps you have only recently considered the idea, and are looking for a bit more guidance on what is required of a dog owner, to see whether it is a task that you can feasibly undertake?

Or maybe you have grown up around dogs all your life, decided that now is the right time to get a puppy of your own, and want to make sure you know everything about raising them before you start your journey?

Look no further! The Superstar Puppy: The Complete Handbook on how to Raise and Train the Perfect Dog is the perfect book for anyone considering a puppy in their lives, regardless of past experience. $0.99 on Kindle.

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Price: 0.99
Author: Nicholas Lee
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