CRASH!: Hope for Traumatic Brain Injury Survivors

CRASH Hope for Traumatic Trish Buscemi
Are you recovering from a brain injury, or do you know someone who is? Learn about rehabilitation and the journey author Trish Buscemi needed to take…

Rehabilitation of any kind is an adventure all in itself, but rehabilitation from a severe traumatic brain injury is a journey all of its own.

This book is about brain injury recovery and all its complexities. You will read about what helped the most, what all the purple foods are about, how Dr. Daniel Amen’s Spec Test and a Spectra Cell test can help you recover, and more…

Trish shares this information while taking you on a journey through her own experiences. This information wasn’t just useful for her, but also her caregivers.

Whether you’re the one going through it or you are supporting someone with a brain injury, if you’re looking for answers, this is the book for you. $1.99 on Kindle.
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Price: $1.99
Author: Trish Buscemi
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