Death of a Spy

Death of a Spy
Mark Sava is thrown into the fight of his life when an unresolved Cold War mystery involving his first love collides with a present-day Russia on the march.

Life has never been better for Mark Sava, the former CIA station chief of Azerbaijan. He’s recently married, has a newborn daughter, and the launch of his spies-for-hire business in Central Asia has been a great success. Then he gets a call from the US Embassy in Tbilisi, Georgia–one his employees, seventy-two-year-old Larry Bowlan, has died of a heart attack.

Bowlan was also Sava’s first boss at the CIA, so Sava feels a responsibility to personally recover the remains of his friend. He hops on a flight to Tbilisi, visits the hotel room in which Bowlan died, and is shocked when he discovers an oil painting that depicts a woman he knows all too well… $0.99 on Kindle.
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