Free: BRAIN GLUE – How Selling Becomes Much Easier By Making Your Ideas “Sticky”

BRAIN GLUE   How James I Bond
One of the Most Powerful “Selling and Persuasion” Books Ever!”


“Clearly, one of the most valuable persuasion books I have ever experienced.

From the moment I picked it up, I didn’t want to put it down. I’m giving copies of this book to my entire team.

This should be required reading for anyone in business.

Frankly, if you’re trying to impress or sell anyone and you don’t know this, I believe you may have a massive disadvantage. That’s how powerful this book is.”

—Jack Canfield, Coauthor of the Chicken Soup for the Soul® series

If you are serious about boosting the selling power of your ads, emails, social media posts, and personal presentations, you need to get this revolutionary marketing book. It reveals a secret so profound, it will change the way you market and sell forever.

“Valuable Far Beyond What I Expected…”
“One of the most important marketing books you will ever read!”
—Mike Scotto, Former Div. Director of Marketing, JCPenney and SCORE Advisory Council

“Editor’s Pick” from Publisher’s Weekly
“A strategy-packed guide that showcases how making something “stick” in a potential buyer’s memory greatly increases the likelihood of creating an actual buyer.”
—Booklife for Publishers Weekly

**Readers’ Favorite 5-Star Award Winner**
“I highly recommend this superb marketing book to anyone who wants to increase their product or service’s visibility and make more sales.

This book lives up to its promise and more. I could hardly put the book down after I started reading it. I [especially] liked the interactive nature of the book.

Best of all, most of the ideas Bond presents are simple and virtually cost-free. I’m applying some of what I learned to my own marketing efforts.”
—Reviewer Joe Wisinski for Readers’ Favorite Awards

**BookLife Prize** Winner
“With the scope of a… Free on Kindle.
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Author: James I. Bond
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