Free: RECOVER[edu] – A Communication Guide for Addressing Mental Health in Schools Kindle Edition

RECOVERedu  A Communication Guide for Addressing Mental Health in Schools Kindle Edition
RECOVER[edu] is a conversation-starter, a communication-driver, and an awareness-builder. We talk a lot about “talking about” mental health, but that’s often where the conversation ends as the tone of discomfort surrounding mental health often leads to silence. Business-as-usual is no longer an option and changes must be made. School communities have both the opportunity and moral obligation to face the adolescent mental health crisis and RECOVER[edu] is the perfect place to begin! This book is a solution-oriented guide for addressing mental health in schools. It clearly outlines common blind spots, approachable methods of correction and welcomes communities to work less fearfully and more collaboratively. Free on Kindle.
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Author: Daniel Patterson
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