Free: Snatched: Lights Out Series (Book 2)

Snatched A Ghost Story Lights Out Series  Book 2

From the bestselling author of Twisted.

Sean is finally living the life he’s always wanted with his wife and child. He’s writing full time from home, and as a stay-at-home dad, he loves spending time with his daughter. But his wife doesn’t like this new life and begins to make up things to convince Sean they need to move back to the city. Things like ghosts in the house. When her attempts to frighten him out of the house fail, she tells him that someone is trying to steal their baby.

Wendy is an intuitive person, and thus sees and hears things others might not. Something doesn’t feel right, and she has an awful feeling that someone is trying to steal their baby. Can she convince her husband that their little family is in danger? And what awaits them if she can’t? Free on Kindle.
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