Free: The Blessing Book

Blessing Book Francis Shaw

Variously described as mixed, disguised, and best understood when counted, blessings occupy the space between what we want and what we need. Unconstrained from familiar definitions of success and failure, they are invitations to see ourselves and our lives differently. Just as we fall in love, blessings ask us to trust despite our vulnerability, promising support without a request for reward. They encourage not believe all our thoughts and through gratitude to trust in the mystery and the journey we are called to travel.

This collection of 72 short reflections are reminders there are no coincidences. Only connections to stumble upon and embrace.

You are not here by accident or mistake. You are neither small, nor insignificant.

No others smile is like yours…no others kindness is in your glow.

No others touch the world with your light, except you.

No others feel as your spirit feels, nor embrace another as you do.

No others experience your journey through your eyes and with your heart.

No others have the unique blessings waiting for you. Free on Kindle.

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Author: Francis Shaw
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