Spanning centuries, HOMELAND is a saga of humanity’s kindred existence with A.I. androids, even as they become at parity with the human population—until something unintended threatens extinction.

Charles addresses this peril. He is the first of his kind—a hyper-intelligent android created by Dr. Thaddeus Ford to be the near-perfect anatomical replica of a human. Many millions of Charles’ kind follow. They are dubbed “Artinians.” All but one are benign.

This one, Artinian Paulon, discovers “Number,” a galactic population of diverse, anatomic, nomadic AI beings—appointed stewards of the Milky Way. Paulon wants to rule Number and include Earth in his realm-to-be.

In another storyline, science must come to grips with stark realities about interstellar exploration. Humanity experiences disasters and technical hobbles that must be conceded to–finding redeeming solutions instead.

HOMELAND brings you seven diverse main characters who propel three intertwined plots. Each entertains in their own way, challenging beliefs and feelings. This is grounded science fiction, making it possible for you to envision a hypothetical future for humankind.
$9.89 on Kindle.
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Price: $9.89
Author: Joseph Love
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