Pickleball for Beginners Part II – Level Up to Intermediate. Get Off the Beginner Treadmill and Master the Skills of a Competitive Intermediate Player

Pickleball for Beginners Part I   Level Up to Intermediate Get Off the Beginner Treadmill and Master the Skills of a Competitive Intermediate Player

PICKLEBALL FOR BEGINNERS PART II: Get Off the Beginner Treadmill and Master the Skills of a Competitive Intermediate Player is a sequel to PICKLEBALL FOR BEGINNERS PART I: How to Get Started Playing Pickleball, available in a revised edition with new and edited content. See Bob’s website at www.bobsavar.com for more details.

Learn how to master these skills and level up from beginner to intermediate:

The difference between ready positions at the NVZ and baseline
Tracking the ball
Making contact with the sweet spot of your paddle
How to improve on all your shots
Hitting the ball back the way it came: avoiding unforced errors
Patience at the NVZ: keeping the rally going with your soft game
Attacking only shots in your green zone when at the NVZ
A variety of serves: being conservative, striving for 100% accuracy
The 3 rules of pickleball: don’t hit the net, don’t hit the net, don’t hit the net!
How to hit topspin and backspin, and how to return them
Doubles strategy: where to stand and where to move

This book will teach you all of these skills and techniques, and contains these features to help you level up to intermediate:

Links to over 150 videos and articles by the best pickleball teachers in the world
Written commentary from them and me
How to improve and how to practice every shot
Interviews with the best-known teachers in the game
Their advice on how to improve to the next level

All the videos have a clickable link, so you can easily watch them on your laptop, tablet or cell phone while you read the book. This is by far the best way to learn all the nuances of the game and level up to intermediate.

Bob Savar is a Certified Pickleball Instructor & Author of Pickleball for Beginners Part I. He has taught hundreds of people in southeast FL how to play pickleball in his clinics and private lessons. Bob has taken his knowledge & experience and poured it into this book so you can learn to become a better player.

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Price: $3.99
Author: Bob Savar
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