Soul Quest – A Fantasy Novella

Soul Quest   A Shiulie Ghosh
Homeless, smelly, and foul-mouthed, Nora is no-one’s idea of a hero. She’d rather be scrounging the price of a nice cup of tea than get involved in any funny business, thank you very much.
But then the Soul Collector comes calling, and Nora has something he wants. It’s her chance to save the world…or at least, someone’s world.

Before she knows it, she’s joining forces with muscle-bound fighters, dim dragons and vertically-challenged sidekicks (just don’t call them dwarves). It’s a quest, but not as you know it.
A short humourous read, perfect for fans of Terry Pratchett and Douglas Adams $0.99 on Kindle.

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Author: Shiulie Ghosh
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