Out of the Abundance of the Heart: The Root Centered Around Unaddressed Pain and Resentment Towards Her Father

Featured on America This Week with Rick Bratton, Christian book writer Canaa Lee invites you to consider the search for yourself is rarely devoid of adversity and darkness. This compilation of poetry and narrative prose is a candid depiction of how you can overcome those hurdles. There are numerous open letters to family and friends, […]


The text explores light and darkness, the Godly and ungodly realm through God’s eye view. The book also covers Christianity and idolatry. $5.99 on Kindle.

Free: Peace and Joy

This uplifting book is about having peace and joy through trustful surrender to God’s will. Free on Kindle.

The Modern Day Disciple: Being Jesus With Skin On

As a Christian, you certainly have knowledge of the twelve disciples chosen by Jesus. But do you know that you are also called to be a disciple? The age of discipleship will never pass away until Jesus returns, conquers, banishes Satan and his followers to Hell for eternity and reestablishes His new world and Heaven. […]

Empower Yourself

You can live life plugged into the Holy Spirit zone. Using this workbook as your own Holy Spirit school, learn how to talk with God and about the gifts of the Holy Spirit he wants to give you. God wants people to know him, and you get to be the conduit of his love, loaded […]

Free: God’s Profound and Urgent Message

This book called God’s Profound and Urgent Message, reveals God’s most dominant and urgent Scriptural message with a due sense of urgency for salvation and how salvation is attained. God wants the world to understand and recognize the indisputable evidence and the reasons for the credibility and accuracy of the Bible, and why it should […]

Free: The Plan

This is a fanciful tale of a young boy named Abe who lives during the days of Jesus. He has so many questions about this man Jesus, who everyone is talking about. Is he that baby Grandpa saw 30 years ago in that barn? Is he the Messiah Grandpa thinks he is? Why does he […]

He Sat Down (So You Can Too): How to Receive the Peace of Jesus in a World that Stands

From Amazon #1 Best-Selling Author Wes Raley comes a powerful new book about how to have the peace of God in a world of striving, stress, and anxious toil. “But when Christ had offered for all time a single sacrifice for sins, He sat down at the right hand of God” (Hebrews 10:12 ESV). We […]

Free: The Following of Christ

In The Following of Christ, Greg Gordon gives us a glimpse of what following the Lord truly meant to the Early Church. Join hands with your nail-pierced Lord’s hand and learn of that great cloud of witnesses (Hebrews 12:1) who have gone before us, some giving their very lives. In The Following of Christ, you’ll […]

Secrets – Never Heard Until Now Of – The Book of Revelation

Mysterious stories kept secret for thirty years! Across two millennia, the book of Revelation seems to have lain in a deep crypt, shrouded by its mysteries. Some Christian leaders declared it should not be in the Bible. Have you been waiting for the day that the Holy Spirit would shock the world and validate its […]

Free: Wrath

More than 75% of Evangelical Christians believe we are living in the Last Days. The Wrath novels are both entertaining and educational, providing a road-map of events that will happen very soon! Free on Kindle.

Dare To Live Greatly

Every Navy SEAL has one thing in common: they first graduated from Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/S) training in Coronado, California. To survive this unnerving training, you have to be physically tenacious, mentally robust, and prepared to die, if necessary. Dare to Live Greatly is a powerful Christian memoir about faith that proves everyone is called […]

The Jesus Perspective

In The Jesus Perspective, Robert Harris critically examines Christianity with the goal of determining which of its elements are useful, essential, and in alignment with what Jesus actually taught and believed. The result is a fresh and vigorous interpretation of the faith called Path Christianity. At its core is the idea that the elements of […]

So Man Created God in his Own Image

Does the Creator of the Universe resemble the anthropomorphic description of God as depicted by the main religions? And does such a supreme being really care about the fate of mankind? If life senselessly ends at death, what purpose does a human strive for during his brief passage on Earth? Shouldn’t he strive to contribute […]

Free: Jesus is the Sun

I interacted with Jesus as the consciousness of the Sun. I wrote this book to share my interactions with Christ and God and my experiences with heaven and hell. Free on Kindle.

Free: Heavenly Father, What About Denominations?

Have you ever wondered how it’s possible that the Bible talks about the “church”, one body of Christ Jesus when there seems to be so many? While visiting many different churches that were part of many different Christian denominations I had an on-going question, a prayer really, that I believe God answered. My question was, […]

Free: The Message for the Last Days

The future is revealed by understanding the past where history and mystery are intertwined. “The Message for the Last Days” explains the progression of afterlife beliefs found within and outside of the Bible. It reveals the original message about Heaven compared to changes in culture over time leading to our vastly different modern interpretations. This […]

Free: Wrath

More than 70% of Evangelical Christians believe we are living in the End Times. The Wrath Trilogy is both entertaining and educational, providing a detailed road map for events that will occur very soon. Free on Kindle.

Free: Wrath

More than 70% of Christians believe we are living in the Last Days. The Wrath Trilogy is both entertaining and educational, providing a detailed road map for events that will occur very soon. Free on Kindle.

It’ll Be Okay: Finding God When Doubt Hides the Truth

Is it okay for Christians to doubt? When we don’t get answers or see God’s guiding hand, its hard to keep praying or walking forward in faith. When our questions are answered by trust, faith is fed and our doubt turns to faith. $0.99 on Kindle.

Testing and Temptations

Testing and Temptations is a book about becoming more like Christ. The doctrine of Sanctification is simple in nature but hard to achieve. Testing and Temptations is a guide to grow in Christ. $2.99 on Kindle.

Christianity in a Nutshell

Christianity in a Nutshell is a journey through faith, heartbreak, and the lies that come between us and truth. Choose to question the standards life set upon you through this captivation collection of poems on sacrifice, brokenness, and love. $4.99 on Kindle.

Free: Christmas Tale Box Set

An awesome collection of 6 Christian novels about love, loss, friendships and second chance. You will be pulled in from the first page and won’t want to stop until the last page. Every story will grab ahold and won’t let go. Free on Kindle.

Peacemakers: A Christian View of War and Peace

Do you wonder what ‘Blessed are the peacemakers’ means in practice? When is war a just war? Should outsiders intervene in civil wars, and how? How can Christians effectively engage in resolving conflict? How do we understand relational peacebuilding? How do we achieve reconciliation? Peter Dixon offers a moral framework on which to base our […]

Finding Freedom: A Personal Exodus from Deception to Identity

Finding Freedom will take you on your own personal journey of targeting deception in your life and replacing them with God’s Truth. Deep down, Christians struggle with issues that keep them held in bondage. Darkness loves to hide itself because many times we don’t understand what God is showing us. God wants to expose that […]

Strong Within

Are you looking to realize greater self-love and personal power? · Explore your perception of a Christian woman’s identity · Learn empowering coping strategies · Redefine your relationship with your body · Apply Christian examples of mindfulness to your everyday life · Transform personal/social/historic restrictions that impact your self-esteem Strong Within: The Christian Woman’s Guidebook […]

Strong Within

Strong Within: The Christian Woman’s Guidebook for Nurturing Self-Love and Personal Power will help you to address the most commonly encountered personal, social, and historic challenges that women face on daily basis, against the background of an empowering exploration of the Genesis account of Adam and Eve. Each chapter will give you a fresh perspective […]

Free: Our Need to Give to the World: America Love in God, Heal America

All of us have a mission to bring God’s love to heal America and the world. Whether we are believers are not, we have a legacy of our forefathers and our children’s future. There is an urgency, now! Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Alpha and Omega, He is asking us to respect, love, and […]

Free: Messages from the Sun God, Jesus Christ

I interacted with Jesus as the consciousness of the Sun. I wrote this book to share my interactions with Christ and God and my experiences with heaven and hell.  Free on Kindle.

Wisdom From A Father: One dad’s thoughts on life

I’m just that ordinary Joe walking on the path of life … and sharing it with you. There are joys. There are tribulations. There are reflections. There is every day life. In each essay I try to convey a recognition of a greater Power who colors my perspective. My comments are always filtered through the […]

Wisdom From A Father

I’m just that ordinary Joe walking on the path of life and sharing it with you. There are joys. There are tribulations. There are reflections. There is every day life. In each essay I try to convey a recognition of a greater Power who colors my perspective. My comments are always filtered through the lens […]

The Family Freeloader

Is there a freeloader in your family? Are you tired of being constantly hit up for money, invitations, and favors? Are you fed up with always being the host and never the guest? Are you worried about not being a “good” Christian if you say “No” to a freeloader’s request? Just in time for the […]

The Christian’s Guide to No Contact

Does God really expect us to put up with a lifetime of abuse from the bullies, liars, manipulators, abusers and users we know, just because we were born into a toxic family or were deceived into befriending a narcissist who hid his true self from us at first? Christians often feel stuck in abusive relationships. […]

Free: Rise Brother Rise: Your Time Is Now

The transition into the Aquarian age is not an easy one for mankind. We will witness changes never been seen.We are moving into a time of spiritual awakening, because this age symbolizes the fore of humanity. America has been the vehicle of social, economic, and religious experiments. Are the Americans the wandering people from Atlantis? […]

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