Unlock the power of authentic communication today and transform your influence! Unmasking Communication empowers professionals to inspire and influence others through genuine dialogue and empathetic connection. Whether you’re aiming to enhance your leadership skills or improve team dynamics, this book provides essential tools for becoming an inspired influencer in any setting $0.99 on Kindle.
Baofeng Radio: The Guerrilla’s Guide
Uncover the untapped potential of Baofeng radios with this comprehensive guide. From their intriguing history to real-world applications, you’ll gain a deep understanding. Discover advanced communication tactics, optimize your radio with antenna upgrades, and explore compelling real-life examples. Become a pro in building your Go-Kit for readiness in any situation. Whether you’re a beginner or […]
More Than Words: Communications Practices of Courageous Leaders
Communication is a powerful force for change. But the way we communicate dictates just how significant a change we can make: in our companies, our communities, and our world. This book is designed to help you realize your own power as a communicator through a more-than-words approach grounded in courage, care, and clarity. With over […]
From the Boardroom to the Bedroom | Her Heart Her Hustle: Building a Strategic Relationship Plan for Love & Life
From the Boardroom to the Bedroom is a perfect guide for high-achieving women that provides a step- by-step blueprint to achieve success in love & life. This empowering book will show you how to develop a strategy and a plan to cultivate connection through a heighten sense of self-awareness, improved communication and respect for the […]
Chaos to Calm: A Mother’s Confessions of Taking Responsibility Birthed Healing, Restoration, and Peace
Chaos to Calm is an ideal guide for parents navigating the challenges of raising a child. Melissa Roberts shares her personal experiences as a mother that will take you on a journey to explore how to rely on God through the difficulties of parenting. This book explores the practical tools for fostering stronger parent-child relationships […]
The Ninja Negotiator: A Practical Guide to Getting What You Deserve
The Ninja Negotiator: A Practical Guide to Getting What You Deserve” is the ultimate guide to mastering the art of negotiation. With a focus on practicality, this book is packed with tips, strategies, and examples to help you confidently negotiate in any situation. From understanding your own goals and values to effectively communicating and persuading […]
Overcome Overthinking and Anxiety in Your Relationship: A Practical Guide to Improve Communication, Solve Conflicts and Build a Healthy Marriage
Do you ever feel alone in your relationship because you’re battling internal overthinking and anxiety? Do you wish you could resolve conflicts with a fraction of the time and energy it currently takes? How overthinking affects relationships The reasons why you’re overthinking your relationship How overthinking affects effective communication among couples The necessary steps to […]
Intelligent Huddles: How to Launch and Facilitate Meaningful Daily Huddles to Improve Team Communication, Strengthen Culture, and Reduce Employee Turnover
Two of the biggest obstacles to business success are poor communication and poor relationships between team members and leaders. Most don’t realize this and even fewer have the tools to solve these problems. You don’t have to be most leaders. Intelligent Huddles shows you how to plan, implement, and run daily huddles to improve communication […]
263 Ways To Start A Conversation: Powerful Topic Starters to Talk to Anyone, Make Real Friends, and Establish Stronger Connections
Do you find it hard or difficult to start a conversation? Do you often find yourself in awkward social situations that you don’t know how to get out off? Can it be a struggle to keep a conversation flowing? It’s normal. Most people struggle with social interaction! That’s why I wrote this book. 263 Ways […]
Communication Skills Training: How to Talk to Anyone, Read People Like a Book, Become an Empathic Listener, and Understand Body Language
Communication Skills Training: How to Talk to Anyone, Read People Like a Book, Become an Empathic Listener and Understand Body Language is the ultimate solution to your long-term communication problems. This step-by-step guide will teach you the top-secret information that you can instantly implement to solve communication and relationship problems in all aspects of your life. $0.99 […]
The Untold Secrets of How Men Think and What They Want
The Male Mind is Nothing Like You Imagine it to be! Women get confused what a man is thinking because they think men think like they do. Men don’t! Men love differently, men communicate differently and men want to fix things. Actions motivate us – not words. Learn his secrets and it’s game on for […]
Communication Skills Training: How to Talk to Anyone, Connect Effortlessly, Develop Charisma, and Become a People Person
Do you struggle with communicating your thoughts, feelings, and ideas? Have you ever been misunderstood and misinterpreted? Do you sometimes misunderstand or misinterpret the signals you are receiving? These situations indicate the inability to communicate appropriately, and it can prove to be detrimental in life and your career. You might be surprised at how many […]
Free: Master Storytelling: How to Turn Your Experiences into Stories that Teach, Lead, and Inspire
“I predict that this book will surprise you. The authors have discovered how this well-recognized form of communication can be deeply utilized to improve your interactions in powerful ways. Through the effective use of well-prepared stories, data dumps or boring meetings can be turned into inspiring, memorable, motivating experiences.” From the foreword by Ron McMillan, […]
Public Speaking: Speaking like a Professional
If you want to be successful these days, you have to master the art of communication! Only those who present themselves authentically and argue wisely can achieve their goals – whether at work or in their private lives. This book teaches you how to use simple strategies to playfully improve your speaking and persuasion skills […]
Free: 21 Days of Effective Communication
Discover how unlocking the hidden secrets to successful communication can create powerful, changes across all areas of your life. As we travel on our journey through life, many of us pick up poor communication habits, but could these habits be holding you back from enjoying all the health, happiness, love and freedom you truly deserve? […]
Power of Purpose: Creating Distinct Patterns Through Branding
Written for business owners, start-ups, and entrepreneurs who are looking to remove communication barriers about their products, services, ideas or business. This quick read sets the foundation for why you want to base all your business strategy and communication (vision, mission, company culture, values, sales, and marketing) on purpose. All great brands have learned to […]