Uplifting Book of Daily Contemplations Empowers Readers to Escape Humanity’s “Epidemic of Fear. Written by a group of writers all-embracing long-term sobriety, ‘Enjoy In Joy: Revolutionary daily readings and life changing ideas to bring you Joy’ shares succinct daily inspirations, spanning Galileo to Bob Dylan – to help readers find peace and solitude during these […]
Enjoy In Joy
October 28, 2021 By Just Kindle Books
Filed Under: Featured, Hot Books, Non Fiction Tagged With: dailyinspiration, kindle books, Non Fiction, sobrietyEnjoy In Joy by Geeco Publishing
The Happiness Journal: Your Daily Inspirational Sips Toward Reaching Happiness
December 19, 2020 By Just Kindle Books

This self-help book is a daily guide to happiness. Author Viet Hung shares life experiences with suggestions to thrive and to be happy. What is the meaning of life? Are we living, or just existing? Are we living for ourselves or only for others? What would make you happy? Each day, choose a short inspirational […]
Filed Under: Featured, In the Spotlight, Self-Help Tagged With: dailyinspiration, happiness, kindle books, selfhelpThe Happiness Journal: Your Daily Inspirational Sips Toward Reaching Happiness by Hung Viet
Hope. Promises. Joy. : Devotions for a Life of Positive Expectations
June 2, 2020 By Just Kindle Books

HOPE. PROMISES. JOY. is a 31-day inspirational devotional designed to help you know and share in the promises that are unchanging. In our world, it can be easy to feel as if hope and joy are evading our grasp and we can begin to worry about the things of this life that are constantly changing. […]
Filed Under: Featured, In the Spotlight, Self-Help Tagged With: dailyinspiration, inspiration, kindle books, selfhelpHope. Promises. Joy. : Devotions for a Life of Positive Expectations by Danni White