The Social Affair: A Psychological Thriller

In the tradition of Gone Girl and Behind Closed Doors comes a gripping, twisted, furiously clever read that demands your attention, and keeps you guessing until the very end. For fans of the anti-heroine and stories told in unorthodox ways, The Social Affair delivers us the perfect dark and provocative villain. The only question—who is […]

Free: Fire at Will

A war veteran attempting to free herself and her son from an abusive ex, sets out to eliminate the threat, only to release a new one. Darkly twisting, action packed, and full of surprises. Free on Kindle.

Free: Wanton Regard

In this fast-paced, dark thriller, a stalker waits for this perfect moment to introduce himself to Hailey Vaughan. He already knows everything about her and nothing will stop him from having her. When Hailey discovers his horrific plans, her struggle to escape only entangles her tighter in his web. A chilling psychological thriller! Free on Kindle.

Free: Destiny Unmasked

Brad, a successful electronics engineer living and working in Singapore, is asked by his friend Gavin to return to his hometown to give advice on a revolutionary invention. He does so, but when he arrives he is unable to discover anything about the invention, including its purpose and location. During his investigations he becomes fascinated […]

Free: The Other Side

Twins Finn and Eric’s peaceful lives are turned upside down when they are suddenly chased from their home and find themselves in another world they had no idea existed. There, they become embroiled in a fight for survival, hunted down by Venera, evil Queen of the Fairy race, and the war hungry King Drer, leader […]

The Let Me Go Series

Alone. One woman battles to survive the chilling darkness, with long hours of nothing to do but wait in terror for her captor to return, she grapples through obscure dreams and memories of a painful family past. After a tumultuous childhood in a broken home, keeping secrets became a way of life for twin sisters: […]

Dark Ride

Terrifying new horror novel from acclaimed author Iain Rob Wright. Are you brave enough to ride? ‘Bright Lights’ AJ Starr is a pro wrestler on the rise, and his life is about to change forever. Knowing this, he plans one last party with all of his best friends. The venue? Saxon Hills theme park, abandoned […]

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