Free: Aging Culprits!: 12 Myths That Sabotage Your Future and Steal Your Joy

There’s a Better Way to Age—Discover How to Embrace the Joyful Path to Aging Well! What if you could change your experience of aging simply by learning truths that aren’t mainstream knowledge, but SHOULD be? It’s PROVEN scientifically that many illnesses and ailments we attribute to age are NOT due exclusively to the aging process. […]

Gifts From My Father: Positive Lessons on Business and Life from a Journey Through Dementia

Discover the power of turning grief into “Gifts” with unconditional love, resilience, and the bond between a father and child in Gifts From My Father. Join Dan on a poignant journey through the challenges of his father’s battle with dementia. $0.99 on Kindle.

Preventing Her Shutdown

I am simply an ordinary “John Doe” caregiver, husband sharing my experiences living and caring for my wife with Alzheimer’s. We have been married 43 years and I am trying to not let go and avoid her shutdown. Writing a diary about the events of the day and expressing my emotions on paper not only […]

A Closer Walk

Memoir on how a daughter helped her father navigate his walk with Alzheimer’s Disease. Helpful read for anyone with a loved one walking their own path with dementia and for caregivers, care facility staff, medical students or anyone concerned with the growing number of worldwide dementia cases to gain knowledge on stages of the disease […]

Seven Stages: The Beginner’s Guide to Dementia

It is a known fact that the late-stage crisis that comes with dementia can be extremely hard to manage and cope with. Although the condition strikes differently and in its own way depending on the individual, there is a real need for guidance when it comes to proper care for patients and loved ones. This […]

The Diabetic Brain in Alzheimer’s Disease: How Insulin Resistance in Type 2 Diabetes and “Type 3 Diabetes” Triggers Your Risk for Alzheimer’s and How You Can Protect Your Brain

No one wants to develop dementia and the thought of living with it conjures up a helpless and foreboding feeling. With over 5 million people diagnosed there is an epidemic. While drug trials are struggling to provide meaningful interventions there is hope! The solution is based on early detection and intervention. Scientists are showing that […]

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