Max Learns About Happiness

Discover the Magic of Happiness! This heartwarming picture book helps kids understand their emotions and build a positive mindset through gratitude, kindness, and mindfulness. With engaging storytelling and colorful illustrations, children learn simple ways to stay calm, manage frustration, and create their own happiness toolkit! $2.99 on Kindle.

Free: Essential Pillars: The Three Proven Keys to Success and Happiness

To see success across your life as a whole, and feel real contentment behind all of it, you need to know how to harness the power of the three Ps. Read on! What does success mean to you? Maybe it’s financial freedom… Perhaps it’s deep and meaningful connections with others… Maybe it’s continual growth and […]

The Success Protocol: The 5% That Creates Instant, Permanent Change

Feeling trapped in unhappiness, relationship issues, or unfulfilling work? Struggling with stress, anger, or depression? You’re not alone, and you don’t have to stay stuck. This book offers a proven protocol with efficient techniques for achieving peace, happiness, wealth, health, and personal growth. Learn how to make small yet significant shifts to transform your life […]

Free: The Divorce Upside: Finding You After Losing Him

Shift your mindset and start seeing divorce as a gift of self-discovery even if right now, it feels like your world has been turned upside-down. There is a reason why traditional stress scales class divorce as one of the biggest challenges human beings can face. When divorce happens, everything you took as a given that […]

Flight of Freedom: Finding Freedom and Happiness Within

“Flight of Freedom: Finding Freedom and Happiness Within” is an inspirational and transformative guide that draws parallels between the life of a butterfly and the human experience. This book invites readers on a profound journey of self-discovery, resilience, and joy, using the metamorphosis of a butterfly as a metaphor for personal transformation. At its core, […]

No One Is Coming To Save You

In “No One is Coming to Save You”, it urges readers to embark on an introspective journey amid the backdrop of seemingly ordinary lives plagued by a sense of emptiness. $0.99 on Kindle.

Happiness Comes In Threes

Transform Your Life’s Narrative, Embrace Happiness We all yearn for greater happiness—a life brimming with health, love, and purpose. Yet, on this journey, we encounter adversaries, challenges we must confront. Within the pages of this book, you’ll discover these adversaries and the keys to overcoming them. ‘Happiness Comes in Threes’ unveils a transformative path guided […]

Free: The First Happiness System: A Self-Help Book to Embrace Happiness and Transform Your Life

Unlock the secret to lasting joy with our groundbreaking book on the First Happiness System. Discover that happiness isn’t stumbled upon—it’s a skill you can master! Follow a captivating real-life journey that led to a simple, universal system for a fulfilling life. Get practical tips, gain motivation, and be inspired by heartwarming illustrations from the […]

Soul Salary: 4 profoundly impactful steps to aligning your time and energy with what feels joyous and fulfilling

Soul Salary is a remarkable book that will take you on a meaningful journey towards allowing your soul to experience warmth, joy, passion, happiness, and fulfillment. It’s not about the financial salary you earn from your job, but rather the salary you pay yourself and your soul. When we prioritize a high Soul Salary, we […]

FIERCE Mothers: Create The Life Of Your Dreams

For some, being a mother may feel like a sacred blessing — a lifetime commitment that will bring them joy while for others, it is all about sacrifice, unconditional love, and selflessness but one thing is certain, motherhood encompasses several different realities of women. In this book, Ugochi Onyewu shares the reality of motherhood through […]

Finding Your Path: 5 Steps to Discover Your Unique Happiness

“I am not happy.” Wrong. You aren’t happy. Yet. Truer words have never been uttered. Then again maybe you’ve yet to say it out loud, still trapped in the cycle of “I’ll be happy when…”. Maybe you can point to moments that you’ve felt happy, and recently, but then they pass with the next and […]

Free: The Sweet Spot: The Moments That Can Transform An Ordinary Life…Into An Extraordinary Experience

“The Sweet Spot” is a book of stories. Not the stuff found in a novel, but real life experiences. Though we measure time in the hours, days and years…our lives are really more about the moments. It’s in the best of those moments where a fuller meaning and appreciation of one’s life can be uncovered. […]

The Joy of Finding FISH: A Journey of Fulfilment, Inspiration, Success and Happiness

  What if the life you have is already more than enough? Our relentless pursuit of ‘more’ never seems to reach ‘enough’. Rather than joining the line of books trying to change your life, The Joy of Finding FISH offers the belief that the life you have is already enough. The secret to a more […]

Free: What Good Luck Bad Luck

This delightful children’s book Talks about happiness is a choice that you make. The two groups of clovers are rivals for the children’s attention, and gradually the clovers realize that conflict is not the answer. They then start thinking happy thoughts and start being happy. Do I fit in? This fun book explores diversity and […]

Free: Guided Meditation to Happiness

What is it that every person is looking for? What is it that ultimately drives all of our actions? The answer to these questions is happiness. When we move beyond our rationalizations and justifications, what we find is that all of us are doing the best that we can to become happy. In today’s society, […]

Unplug Your Robot: The Secret to Lasting Happiness

Are you fired up in the morning, ready to jump out of bed and embrace the day with enthusiasm? Do you feel a sense of daily excitement? Of purpose? Or are you wondering right now if those things are even possible? They are. All that is required is to unplug your robot. The robot is […]

THE LAST SELF HELP BOOK that you will ever need to be happy

What kind of supreme arrogance allows someone to call their book “The Last Self Help Book: that you will ever need.” It is a catchy title, isn’t it? Maybe it will grab people’s attention. And, what if, it happened to be true? Or at least some part of it turned out to be true? The […]

Free: Wiccan Protection Spells

Have you ever wondered how to rid yourself of the negative energies that are causing you unhappiness? Wiccan Protection Spells will help banish negative energy from your life. It will teach you to protect yourself against psychic attacks, as well as keep your body and mind free of unnecessary distress. This guide will show you […]

Ah, Brain, Why Do You Trouble Me So Much?

Happiness and balance can often feel just out of reach. While we strive to build the perfect home and enjoy our work and a thriving family, often the first sacrifice is our own heart and body. External expectations can bury our authentic self, causing disconnect between our inner and outer world. Create harmony between your […]

Hygge: The Danish Secrets of Happiness: How to be Happy and Healthy in Your Daily Life.

Do you need a hug? Is your life messy, house cluttered, and your mind racing from thought to thought? Would you like to be able to retreat from a world that bombards you with facts, deadlines, and bad news into a sense of comfort and security? We are living in a very uncomfortable world. The […]

Journey of the Heart: Awakening To Love: Channeling the Teachers of the Light

Discover profound wisdom from the Teachers of the Light and enjoy a life of peace, happiness, and hope.With an authentic, insightful, and deeply inspiring tone, Journey of the Heart offers readers a meaningful path to wellbeing, drawing on a wealth of enlightening lessons and knowledge channeled from a divine and profoundly spiritual source. $1.99 on […]

Free: Positive Affirmations

Over 1,700 positive affirmations to help you receive and achieve all the love, success, health and happiness you deserve! Are you looking for fun, inspiring, and effective ways to challenge yourself and grow as an individual? Do you want to start using positive language that will help you uplift your mindset and set you up […]

Spirituality for Badasses The Workbook

Spirituality for Badasses The Workbook is a multi-media (300-Page Book and 25 Audio-MP3s) do-it-yourself, masters-degree course for finding your truest inner spiritual badass. If you’re stressed, depressed, anxious, unhappy, alone, bored, lost or feel like life just isn’t good enough, Spirituality for Badasses The Workbook offers very specific techniques, exercises, lessons and methods for changing, […]

Three Things Matter Most: Linking Time, Relationships, and Money

You’re only here once. Make it count. If you were asked to tell your life story, would it be one of a life well-lived? According to author Brett Atlas, as our lives evolve at an ever-increasing pace, we have become detached from the universal truths which define our existence. As a result, we risk prioritizing […]

Ah, Brain, Why Do You Trouble Me So Much?

Happiness and balance can often feel just out of reach. While we strive to build the perfect home and enjoy our work and a thriving family, often the first sacrifice is our own heart and body. External expectations can bury our authentic self, causing disconnect between our inner and outer world. Create harmony between your […]

The Happiness Recipe

We are born to be happy. Somewhere along the way, our lives get cluttered. To find your recipe for happiness, you need to know what matters most to you; have strong beliefs to support taking the necessary next steps; and actually do the kinds of things you want to, while letting go of the rest. […]

Dig Deep, Stand Tall: How to Connect with Your Heart, Take the Limits Off of Life, and Finally Reach Your Dreams

This is a book about lasting change. It will teach you how to look deep inside yourself and do the work necessary to build the life you’ve always dreamed of. $0.99 on Kindle.

Morning Habits For Ultimate Happiness

This book will open your eyes to the possibilities that are just waiting for you to unlock, simply by developing healthy morning habits that can reshape your views, your motivations, and eventually, even your reality. Ultimate happiness is within your reach—just reach out, and take it! $0.99 on Kindle.

Free: The Blessing Book

Variously described as mixed, disguised, and best understood when counted, blessings occupy the space between what we want and what we need. Unconstrained from familiar definitions of success and failure, they are invitations to see ourselves and our lives differently. Just as we fall in love, blessings ask us to trust despite our vulnerability, promising […]

Free: Never Take for Granted: How a Near-death Accident and a Traumatic Brain Injury Showed me how much I’d taken for Granted

How a near-death accident and a traumatic brain injury showed me how much I’d taken for granted. COVID 19 proved we all take things and people for granted. How to develop an Attitude of Gratitude An inspirational memoir based upon my whole life (thus far) but it’s heavily weighted on the last 9+ years since […]

Self-Help Sucks: The Anti Self-Help Guide to Inner Peace and Contentment

This is a different kind of self-help book. No fluff. No B.S. An intimate guide through a process that actually produces a change in your life. $4.95 on Kindle

Think, Believe, and Meet the Amazing You!: How to Overcome Adversity, Build Self-Confidence, and Find Happiness

Too many of us allow words from others to affect us and it’s too bad because they often shape how we lead our lives and rob us of happiness. Whether you’re feeling frustrated, stuck, depressed, or just know there is more for you in life but you can’t quite get there, this book is for […]

Free: Happy Here and Now: Lasting Happiness You Can Count On

There are lots of books on happiness. Happy Here and Now provides you with the most understandable, doable, and readable path, one that will change your life starting immediately. What brings real happiness is the knowledge that it’s lasting and not a fleeting experience that shows up when something wonderful happens. When you can be […]

Absolute Truth

Is there any kind of trauma or lack in your life? Recurring and undesired challenges you just can’t seem to be able to solve? Have you ever wished for a user manual of your life, for life? Wish no more. Absolute Truth, provides you with the unequivocal, undisputable and everlasting answers to your personal questions, […]

Free: The Happiness Recipe

To find your recipe for happiness, you need to know what matters most to you; have strong beliefs to support taking the necessary next steps; and actually do the kinds of things you want to, while letting go of the rest. You also need to be willing to share your desires with the world—something that […]

Women Living On Purpose: Real Stories of Women Living with Passion, Intention, and Vision

Do You Want to Live with More Purpose and Meaning? 20 Stories will Light Your Way. $0.99 on Kindle.

Think Smart Not Hard

Think Smart Not Hard is your no-nonsense guide for finally grasping the life you were born to live. If you like real-world applications, optimizing your existing strengths, and honest accounts from a self-made man, then you’ll love Roy Huff’s energizing resource. $0.99 on Kindle.

Free: Don’t Abandon Yourself

ADVICE MOST SELF-HELP “GURUS” WILL NEVER SHARE WITH YOU: DISCOVER 42 MISTAKES THAT ARE HOLDING YOU BACK FROM BECOMING ‘THE BEST VERSION OF YOURSELF!’ You must hustle… Never give up… Wake up at 5 in the morning before everybody else… Is this really the way you should live life? Or is it just a miserable […]

Enjoy In Joy

366 Revolutionary readings and inspired quotes to bring change and joy into your life $2.99 on Kindle.

The Happiness Recipe

We are born to be happy. Somewhere along the way, our lives get cluttered. The Happiness Recipe is a grounded, approachable, and tactical guide to finding joy. By sharing the tools necessary for understanding what matters most to your happiness, Rebecca Morrison gives you the key to achieving the kind of happiness that is possible […]

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