‘Reading Gundi’s book gives you the ‘Kick in the Pants’ motivation of a Tony Robbins event.” The fastest marketing and branding blueprint to get you from ZERO to Influencer — period! NOT another Instagram or social media book. Instead, #1 Bestselling Author & Entrepreneur Gundi Gabrielle, aka SassyZenGirl, shares a unique, but highly effective approach laid […]
Influencer Fast Track: From Zero to Influencer in the Next 6 Months!
Influencer Fast Track: From Zero to Influencer in the next 6 Months!

Do you want to gain more social followers and reach a large audience? This book will show you a proven 7-STEP FORMULA to go from ZERO (followers) to INFLUENCER STATUS in just a few months! It’s not about pumping thousands of dollars into ads or wearing yourself out on social media without getting much traction. This […]
Influencer Fast Track

Have a passion project you want to share with world? – Something amazing you always wanted to do, but don’t know how to reach an audience? Then let SassyZenGirl’s 7-Step Formula help you go from Zero to Influencer in just a few months! $0.99 on Kindle.
Influencer Fast Track: From Zero to Influencer in the next 6 months!

“Reading Gundi’s book gives you the ‘Kick in the Pants’ motivation of a Tony Robbins event”. YOU = INFLUENCER!! – Have a passion project you want to share with the world? – Something amazing you always wanted to do, but don’t know how to reach an audience? Marketing feels like wandering in a strange, foreign land and you feel totally overwhelmed? […]