Mayhem 337: Memoir of a Combat Advisor in Afghanistan

Late in 2008 Chad Rickard deployed as a member of an Embedded Transition Team to the highly contested Khost Province of Eastern Afghanistan. As a senior infantry advisor, Rickard embedded with the Afghan Army and spent nine months slugging it out with Haqqani Taliban along the Pakistan border region in a deadly battle for control […]

Free: Dream Physics

In Dream Physics, Damian Amamoo shows you how to explore your consciousness and connect with your own lucid inner truth. Dream Physics is a road of discovery that demonstrates we are all unique and have a human heritage that is able to tap into transformational opportunities and literally discover new worlds. Dream Physics begins by […]

Free: The Secret to the Secret

Why the best-selling book “The Secret” and other new age claims have only set us up for failure. What is true, what is not and how we can manifest the better part of ourselves through this thing called attraction. This book is a critique of the well-known bestseller, “The Secret.” as well as the genre […]

Free: The Psychiatrist Who Cured the Scientologist

Step inside the misunderstood world of “mental illness” and the underground secrets of Scientology in this first-hand account of a walk on the extreme side of both. In The Psychiatrist who cured the Scientologist, get a look at a life lived not on one side, but in the middle of the battlefield between Scientology and […]

Raised in a Bottle

Growing up in a family with alcohol abuse can leave you significantly scarred as an adult. The addiction robbed you of a caring, nurturing, secure and playful childhood, forcing you to become an adult too early. A lack of attention and compassion stifled your ability to grow into a whole person. As an adult, you […]

Free: Dream On!: The Alarm Clock of Your Life Hasn’t Gone Off Yet

Mine has been no ordinary life and I would like to take you along on my journey. So many dreams of serving others have been fulfilled. But I do not leave it there. I also help you to take action to fulfill YOUR dreams. Learn some practical strategies. Here’s where we are going: 1.Peace Corps. […]

Free: Return of Dragons: Journal of Galactic Romance and Global Evolution

In the fifth book of this compelling, metaphysical journey, the Joy Council intervenes to prevent dragons from being lured to their deaths as the new dragon prince’s life is endangered. A new world must be created if the dragons have any chance of escaping a 900-year-old relentless tracker. But don’t get too comfortable, because a […]

Running Back in Time: Discovering the Formula to Beat the Aging Process and Get Younger

At the age of 68, Dr. Zeev Gilkis decided to give himself an unusual present for his 70th birthday – running a full Marathon. Perhaps this ambitious goal wouldn’t have been so unusual, had he been a very physically active person in his younger years. But Zeev is a cancer survivor who began his ‘career’ […]

Free: Living High on a Low Hog: Philosophical and Practical Advice for Building a Life of Meaning, Enjoyment and True Freedom with Limited Resources in a Changing World

A book of philosophical and practical advice for living a free, meaningful life in a heartless and predatory world without a lot of money. And also kind of a memoir about living in the underbelly of Portland, Maine in the 90s, a time when it had a strange and magical beauty. Free on Kindle.

The Busy Babe’s Guide to Wellness: 8 Steps to a Healthier You Now!

Are you suffering from health complaints that are keeping you from enjoying life to the fullest? Do you try to maintain a healthy lifestyle, but find that life just gets in the way? Do you believe that a combination of standard healthcare and holistic healing could benefit you? If so, “The Busy Babe’s Guide to […]

Lights, Camera, Sell: Sales Techniques for Independent Filmmakers

Film producer and sales consultant Alec Trachtenberg argues that one must adopt a sales mindset in order to be successful as an independent filmmaker. By highlighting a variety of sales strategies that have worked for him in the world of startup technology companies, Alec shows how you can use the same sales strategies in every […]

The Secret of Life: A Memoir Of Getting Younger

Age doesn’t matter! Actually, if we live right, we don’t have to age! The author is sharing all his secrets about living better and longer, while enjoying every moment and tells his story, how after recovering from an advanced stage cancer he began competing in triathlon and surfing waves, despite he was already in his […]

Future Visions: One Hundred Years of Culture and Society Through the Lens of Science Fiction

Whether you want to expand your watchlist with some genre-defining science fiction titles, or you feel like learning some sci-fi trivia, this book is for you! It is a comprehensive overview of the futuristic science fiction cinema, starting from the birth of the genre more than a hundred years ago, to the stunning blockbusters of […]

Free: Paths of Freedom: Journal of Galactic Romance and Global Evolution

In this riveting fourth book of The Joy Chronicles, you’ll be stretched to discover who you are at heart and challenged to grow in ways you’ve never anticipated. When the Joy Council is threatened, there’s a key to stopping the mastermind…and you’re holding it. Meet Lancelot, the handsome and charming knight, and board a pink […]

With No Regrets: Getting Older, Face It, Live It, Love It

This honest, straight from the soul book, will resonate with every woman who’s struggled with growing older. A witty and sharp observer of life, Jane H. Goldman reveals her fears and thoughts about growing older and freeing herself from the expectations of others. She looks within and realizes how often she lived her life being […]

Free: Peace and Joy

This uplifting book is about having peace and joy through total abandonment to God’s will. Free on Kindle.

Free: Walking with a Joystick: A Spiritual Adventure

This book is a nonfiction wrapped in a fiction. In India, most of the ancient literature also used this kind of setting. A small entertaining story is weaved around the more important topics. The important part is always explaining some core issues of our existence. But they are always presented in a question-answer manner. So […]

Mentally Ill: A Memoir of Resilience

A true story of addiction, mental illness, and the triumph of the human spirit… Alone, out on the streets, and suffering from devastating mental illness, Antonio lived a life few could imagine. Suffering trauma and abuse at a young age, he grew up feeling lost, and alone. But despite his struggles and hardships, he survived, […]

Land It

I’m not getting interviews. I’m not getting responses to my job applications. I’m not getting a promotion anytime soon. If the current COVID pandemic continues the above will only get worse. If I continue applying for jobs and do not hear back, my stress levels and my family’s finances are going to be affected badly. […]

Free: Living High on a Low Hog: Philosophical and Practical Advice for Building a Life of Meaning, Enjoyment and True Freedom with Limited Resources in a Changing World

A book of philosophical and practical advice for living a free, meaningful life in a heartless and predatory world without a lot of money. And also kind of a memoir about living in the underbelly of Portland, Maine in the 90s, a time when it had a strange and magical beauty. Free on Kindle.

Unlock Bliss: A Memoir Of Getting Happier

An inspiring memoir of a late bloomer who received his PhD in Artificial Intelligence at the age of 40 and began surfing the waves and competing in triathlons in his sixties, demonstrating that age doesn’t matter. In a conversational style the author is sharing all his secrets of living better and longer while enjoying every […]

“Recycled Childhood”

Shocking true stories about child abuse. “I read every spare minute I had because I didn’t want to put this book down. After I finished, I wanted to keep reading. Truly amazing!” If you care about saving children, this book is for you. $3.49 on Kindle.

Intentional Happiness

YOUR HAPPINESS IS IN YOUR CONTROL! In this transformational book, Julie Leonard, a Life Coach and Happiness Evangelist, takes you step by step on a journey to happiness. Get intentional about your happiness with this life-changing practical guide that takes you through: Be inspired by Julie’s own story of transformation, read about the clients who […]

Steal First and Other Old-Time Baseball Stories

Whoa! You mean there actually was a player that stole first base? Yes! Catch the story about the zany guy who pulled that off in Stealing First and Other Old-Time Baseball Stories. Did you know that Hall-of-Famer Jackie Robinson was the star of a well-regarded Hollywood movie? The full story about #42’s successful stint in […]

How To Recover From Pet Loss

Professional Pet Bereavement Counsellor and founder of The Scottish Pet Bereavement Counselling Service, Wendy Andrew, gives her expert perspective on pet loss. How To Recover From Pet Loss is a walk through the emotions you may experience and how best to cope with them on your journey to the stage of ‘Acceptance’. This book is […]

Free: Bully Shack

The Kid learned the hard way that you can try to be a pacifist in a world full of clenched fists, stiff upper lips and mean looks, but it won’t get you far—and it might get you killed. Free on Kindle.

Why Do Cats Do That? 98 Kitty Questions Answered

Ever wonder why cats do the perplexing things they do? Do you ask yourself or a friend, “Why would a cat do that?” In this book, Peter Scottsdale gives you solutions to the cat questions you want answered. Discover 98 Cat Secrets Including: Why do cats purr? Why do cats meow? Why do cats hate […]

The 60-Minute Tech Startup: How to Start a Tech Company As a Side Hustle in One Hour a Day and Get Customers in Thirty Days (or Less)

How to start a tech company and get customers in one month? In The 60-Minute Tech Startup: How to Start a Tech Company as a Side Hustle in One Hour a Day and Get Customers in Thirty Days (or Less), serial technology entrepreneur and award-winning author Ramesh Dontha takes lessons from side hustles turned household […]

Washington’s Headquarters at Valley Forge: A Biography of a National Shrine (Second Edition)

The House used by General Washington at Valley Forge still stands today. This history honors its simple beauty and sketches some features of the time which gave it form. Beyond that, it follows the vicissitudes of the building’s post-revolutionary experience, and finally, celebrates the fact that it has survived. $1.99 on Kindle.

Connecting With Life: Finding Nature in an Urban World

In his debut book, Martin Summer aims to help readers find nature in an urban world. If you’re wishing to develop a deeper connection with life around you, Connecting With Life is the blueprint you need. $0.99 on Kindle.

A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Manipulate

Michael Sunset’s memoir details the way he was systematically manipulated by his ex-wife, her father, his mother, and sister to believe he had a mental illness. His ex-wife worked to manipulate mental health professionals and the family court system to obtain control of their finances and daughter during their divorce process. Michael describes how jarring […]

How Do Cats Do That?

Ever wonder how cats do the fascinating things they do? Do you ask yourself or a friend what’s a cat’s secret in doing that? In this book, You Will Discover 34 Cat Secrets Like: How Do Cats Purr? How Do Cats Mate? How Do Cats See In The Dark? …And Much More. Get Your Copy. […]

Free: The Failure of Harvard: Harvard’s Total Ideological and Intellectual Failure

This book is like no other book ever written about our educational system and academia. This book intellectually and hysterically kicks the living $#!t out of our broken and dysfunctional system of “higher education” As the riots in America attest to, there is clearly something inherently wrong with academia. It is all too evident Social […]

Free: A Wish Granted: Journal of Galactic Romance and Global Evolution (The Joy Chronicles Book 3)

Assassination and galactic war in another universe create some bumps in the road for the Joy Council. Other high points of book three include: the first-ever fairy wedding, the dragon king reveals the history of Earth’s dragons, the Swizzlers joust with King Arthur’s knights, Mary shares details about Jesus’s birth, and Buddha speaks about enlightenment. […]

Path of Sweetness: Journal of Galactic Romance and Global Evolution (The Joy Chronicles Book 1)

Enjoy your front row seat as you take in information about the future of Earth shared by an Ashtar Commander, Isis, Osiris, Thoth, Gaia and many others who are overseeing Earth’s evolution. Energetically hop aboard an Ashtar Command spaceship and add your hopes and dreams to the elevating transmissions sent to Earth. Path of Sweetness […]

REACH: Responding to the Irony of a Sound-Bite Society

The irony of our time lies in the juxtaposition between the instantaneous and often impulsive characteristics of social messaging and broadcast media, and the virtues of compassion, tolerance, and understanding. This contrast helps to explain why the true intention of a message often becomes lost in its own delivery. REACH describes the ongoing struggle between […]

The Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Epidemic Cover-up: How a Little Newspaper Solved the Biggest Scientific and Political Mystery of Our Time

Hillary Johnson, one of the world’s most respected Chronic Fatigue Syndrome journalists, called this book “fascinating and important.” If you want to know the truth about the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome epidemic, you need to discover the brilliant investigative work Neenyah Ostrom did for a decade. Starting in 1988, Ostrom reported on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome for […]

The Rhino Crash

Catapulted into the grim world of rhino poaching, Nick Newman trades life in London for a humble, yet adventurous existence in South Africa. Tasked to monitor and protect critically endangered black rhinos, Nick soon cultivates an understanding of the different individual personalities and their temperamental behaviour by studying the animals in their natural environment. Under […]

Free: The Chronicles of the Wuhan Virus

The SARS-CoV-2 virus killed close to a million worldwide and induced global panic, making 2020 an unforgettable year. With the epicenter in Wuhan, China, this virus caused extreme physical, emotional and economical distress worldwide. This book unfolds the origins, myths and conspiracies surrounding the deadly virus through two main protagonists – Dr. Joshua, Head of […]

Free: How to Manifest the God of the Universe Into Your Life: Not self-help. God-help.

Not self-help. God-help. HOW TO MANIFEST THE GOD OF THE UNIVERSE INTO YOUR LIFE teaches you how to rise up and be the warrior God has called you to be so you can lead in relationships, business, and all areas of life! Free on Kindle.

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