Inner Voice Revolution: Redesigning Self-Talk for Personal Growth & Decision-Making

Does it feel like you’re unsure which direction to go next? What if there was someone who could provide you with clarity and wisdom so that you could find your way again? The person is you. More specifically, your future self. Your future self holds wisdom that offers guidance and insight to make it through […]

Empowered For Your Journey: Be Intentional

Welcome to the world of self-discovery and personal growth! Begin your adventure of discovering you through the pages of this guided journal. Use this guided journal as a steppingstone that bridges the divide.between where you are now and where you aspire to be. It was created to equip you with the necessary tools, to transform […]


Explore how reshaping your thoughts can unlock a life of extraordinary possibilities. “Power Up Your Vision” teaches you to transcend survival mode, overcoming centuries-old negative thought patterns. With insights from psychology, neuroscience, and success studies, this book introduces the AIM framework to transform awareness, ignite power, and manifest desires. Learn to shift mindsets, harness vision, […]

Finding Your True Self

HAVE YOU FELT SOMETHING IS MISSING FROM YOUR LIFE? WORRIED ABOUT LIFE PASSING YOU BY? THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU A FRACTION OF WHAT YOU’LL LEARN: +Identify your true inner being & find a personal path to FULFILLMENT +A practical step by step guide for what enhances living well and the last 50 years of […]

Living Your Best Life: Unleashing Your Potential for Personal Growth, Success, and Fulfillment

Embark on a transformative journey towards a life of purpose, happiness, and fulfillment with “Living Your Best Life: Unleashing Your Potential for Personal Growth, Success, and Fulfillment.” This empowering guide is your key to unlocking your true potential and breaking free from limitations. As your trusted companion on the path to self-discovery, this book equips […]

Living Your Best Life: Unleashing Your Potential for Personal Growth, Success, and Fulfillment

Are you ready to step into the life you’ve always envisioned? Embark on a transformative journey towards a life of purpose, happiness, and fulfillment with “Living Your Best Life: Unleashing Your Potential for Personal Growth, Success, and Fulfillment.” This empowering guide is your key to unlocking your true potential and breaking free from limitations. As […]

MIND BLAST; GOT STUCK? AGAIN?: Strategies, Habits & Life Hacks to Pursue Happiness and Boost Personal Growth.

Do you ever feel like there’s more to life? Do you find yourself yearning for guidance on the next steps to take? Are you ready to break free from the grip of stagnation and start embracing a fulfilling and joyful life? If so, you’re not alone. Welcome to “Mind Blast” – a treasure trove of […]

How to Love Yourself for Happiness and Success: An Authentic Guide and Workbook to Increase Self-Confidence, Forgive the Past, Stop Toxic Emotions, and Overcome Negativity to Live with More Peace

Walk on the Path to Happiness and Success With These Practical Activities to Help You Love Yourself More – An Interactive Workbook for People Who Want to Love Themselves Discover the transformative power of self-love and unlock a life filled with happiness, success, and inner peace! With this workbook, you’ll embark on a profound journey […]

Free: Peace Dreamer: A Journey of Hope in Bad Times and Good

“Peace Dreamer: A Journey of Hope in Bad Times and Good” received the Gold Seal of Excellence by the Nonfiction Authors Association. It is here to give you the tools that help you to never give up no matter how messy life becomes. This award-winning inspirational self-help book gently feeds your spirit with optimism and […]

Free: Create Positive Change Now

In this book, five experts in personal growth share their words of wisdom and transformational tools. Learn to welcome and use the gift of fear, how to be happy with yourself, the power of visioning and more. Mindset is the key to positive change–would you agree? Among books about personal growth, Create Positive Change Now […]

Free: Building in Bronze: Creating the Future through Healing the Past

Building in Bronze is an inspirational manifesto written by a woman who has never stopped dreaming and working to create space in the world where she could live her most authentic life. Cayla Pothan created just such a space, and in the process, discovered how to share her insights with other people who long to […]

Think, Believe, and Meet the Amazing You!: How to Overcome Adversity, Build Self-Confidence, and Find Happiness

Too many of us allow words from others to affect us and it’s too bad because they often shape how we lead our lives and rob us of happiness. Whether you’re feeling frustrated, stuck, depressed, or just know there is more for you in life but you can’t quite get there, this book is for […]

Free: Escaping the Fog: Recovery to Redemption

This books covers the life of an alcoholic from birth until current sobriety. The author takes a tour of redemption by competing in and finishing 5 triathlons in one summer. Free on Kindle.

Free: Babel – A Guide to the East-West Encounter

Each person has a “Vector of the Mind” whose direction and magnitude can be assessed by using the questionnaire appearing in the book. “Babel” turns us all – sons of East and West – from strangers to close friends and provides a happy end to the Biblical story in which people could not cooperate because […]

Free: The Raw Truth: A Pimp Daughter’s Diary

From the means streets of Baltimore to Stanford Ph.D., to Black Woman Millionaire, The Raw Truth: A Pimp’s Daughter’s Diary is a relentlessly honest and emotionally intimate account of Dr. Venus Opal Reese’s spiritual healing from a traumatic childhood to salvation and personal power. Inspiring, disturbing, and as “real” as it gets, enter a world […]

My Dog is More Enlightened Than I Am

Maureen Scanlon is a certified life and spiritual coach and relationship expert with training in cognitive behavioral therapy and NLP techniques. In her book, My Dog Is More Enlightened Than I Am, Scanlon offers tips on how to take inspiration from animals to make the most of your life and nurture your relationships. Take time […]

Believe Like You Mean It

In Believe Like You Mean It you’ll be shown simple steps for overcoming misguided thoughts, beliefs and fears that hold you back from the life you deserve. It includes ways to increase spiritual awareness and how you can harness cosmic energy to initiate the Law of Attraction. It also shares ways to push past skepticism […]

Free: Miracles on Demand: Transform your Ordinary Struggles into Extraordinary Blessings

Miracles on Demand illustrates that the Christian believer has a unique relationship with God. A right that is inherent within it is the privilege of expecting, even demanding, miracles everyday. You will be engaged by the real-life stories of other individuals who attained decisive victories as they relied on the power of God and his […]

The Pursuit of Happiness

The Pursuit of Happiness: Ten Ways to Increase Your Happiness (Part of the Paul G. Brodie Seminar Book Series) shows how you can change your mindset and increase your happiness. What if a few new habits could increase your happiness? What if you could increase your happiness with a few simple steps? Imagine waking up […]

Free: Spiritual Evolution–Navigating Your Way to Happiness!

This book is about enlightening people to the fact that we all share a common thread of existence. It offers those who have an interest, and those who are willing, to learn more about themselves and others. It is an opportunity to understand the self at a different level and to know that happiness is […]

Be Happy!

“Be Happy!” will be discounted by 75% from September 1 to September 15. Take this opportunity to grab a book that is deemed by Amazon readers as “an excellent way to start a positive change in one’s life.” Take a moment to determine how important happiness is to you. If it is not that important, […]

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