ARE YOU STRUGGLING TO TALK TO YOUR TEEN? First, let’s be real… Who isn’t?! Getting the Social Media Addicted Teenager in your life to actually have a conversation with you can seem more like an invitation for heavy eye-rolling. You may be feeling like your teen is fast-forwarding to the end of every conversation while […]
Does your teen TALK? No, but they Text, Snap, & TikTok
Free: Instagram Marketing Secrets 2021

The Ultimate Beginners Guide to Grow your Following, Become a Social Media Influencer with your Personal Brand, set a Business Plan and Make More Money. Free on Kindle.
Tik Tok for 2020

TikTok is the most growing app in the year 2020. If you want to become famous and grow your audience in 2020, this book would be the best guide for you to know the strategies and techniques to do soo. If you can get more audience on your account, you have more chances to become […]
Influencer Fast Track

Have a passion project you want to share with world? – Something amazing you always wanted to do, but don’t know how to reach an audience? Then let SassyZenGirl’s 7-Step Formula help you go from Zero to Influencer in just a few months! $0.99 on Kindle.
Instagram Marketing For Small Businesses

Instagram Marketing For Small Businesses is the right book for you as we will reveal Instagram marketing strategy used by top influencers so you can replicate their results as well. This will be a complete Instagram marketing plan to ensure you can follow along easily and implement the strategies quickly. $0.99 on Kindle.
Influencer Fast Track: From Zero to Influencer in the next 6 months!

“Reading Gundi’s book gives you the ‘Kick in the Pants’ motivation of a Tony Robbins event”. YOU = INFLUENCER!! – Have a passion project you want to share with the world? – Something amazing you always wanted to do, but don’t know how to reach an audience? Marketing feels like wandering in a strange, foreign land and you feel totally overwhelmed? […]