The Kunoichi: Woman Ninja Assassin at the Battle of Okehazama

THE KUNOICHI Woman Ninja Assassin at the Battle of Okehazama

Best seller! Number one in the category. Most attractive Japanese Samurai and woman Ninja the Kunoichi forbidden love story.

“This is a wonderful historical tale that’s captivating and intriguing. The author is skilled in giving concise, brilliantly coloured descriptions of nature and of the picturesque environment using short sentences, figures of speech to animate his accounts. there are so many beautifully described scenes as compensation. I enjoyed the book.”

“Nevertheless, this is a very worthwhile look into a piece of historical setting of which most of European descent will be totally unaware.”

“In the world of war, there is little time for romance between a ruler and the assassin hired to do his bidding. I really liked this read. If this is based more in fiction than the author has a strong potential to turn this into a series. Great job.”

“I have fallen in love with Sakura. She’s the leader of the group of female ninjas called Kunoichi. I would not normally read historical fiction but this one caught my attention so bad and the next thing I knew I was in for a long night of wonderful read.”

“Super descriptive and full of action! What also comes across is that you get a real sense of the time and area that is being described to you, as the details provided are something really special. I’ve never been to Japan, but I can still picture it in my mind.”

“Totally worth it! Oh my God. I honestly did not expect this book to be so good because the cover did not make it stand out. In spite of that, I followed my intuition and decided to buy it and what a good decision I made. This book is narrated incredibly, has fully developed characters and the plot is super entertaining. Do not let it go, you will not regret a second of having bought it.” $2.99 on Kindle.

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