The Real Dad

Real Dad  A Novel of Suspense

Nate and Lulie Brannigan have had a loving, dreamlike marriage for the past four years. Nate’s stepchildren are calling him dad, and all is warm and cozy in the Brannigan home until an unexpected visit. Police come to their door, arrest Nate, and won’t say why. Then, in an abuse of their power, they force the wife and children to come along, in a second squad. Lulie is seething. “What do you even think my husband’s done?” She is to find out all too soon, and she wants him away from her kids. Within nine days, Nate’s bailed out and thinks he can come home. Be prepared to burn the midnight oil as you get lost in the horrifying realities of this dark thriller of a tale. $2.99 on Kindle.

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